BAM, Ferrovial, Kier

BAM, Ferrovial, Kier (BFK) have built the two railway tunnels that run between the Royal Oak Portal and the new Farringdon Crossrail station. We are also building the station tunnel caverns at Bond Street, Tottenham Court Road and all the works at Farringdon.

Latest News

  • Women in Engineering Day 2015

    Women from across Crossail’s Farringdon project get involved in various activities to mark National Women in Engineering Day on Tuesday 23 June 2015

  • World Class

    Ada has caught up with Phyllis and finished her tunnel which means BFK has completed the C300 Western Running Tunnels contract on time, and safely.

  • Waste not, want not

    A pilot scheme to reduce waste management costs on site is proving a success for BFK and the National Community Wood Recycling project.

  • Go for Gold

    Riding on the high from their ground blazing completion of the Western Tunnels Drive, the team at Westbourne Park have dug deep into their pockets and raised over £600 from the sale of the Western Team 2014 Calendars.